Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dont Quit

Anytime you feel like giving up on your dream is the best route DONT QUIT

If someone makes you feel like you are not good enough, what do they know? DON'T QUIT

When everything inside of you feels like you are all alone on this journey. DON'T QUIT

If your soulmate leaves you because she/he can't see the vision. DON'T QUIT

When people around you tell you that you can't...remember you CAN. DONT QUIT

If your whole world comes tumbling down. STAND and DON'T QUIT

If you have ever felt like you were going to lose your mind because no one understands you. DONT QUIT

When you have done all you can to help others and they don't lend their hand to you. DONT QUIT

Never put all of your trust in man, only in God and yourself. DON'T QUIT.

Don't fall into the traps of selling out and being what people want you to be and giving all of yourself to others and making them priorities when, in the end, they wouldn't do the same for you and remain ungrateful for what you do. Don't allow ANYONE to get so far into your spirit that you want to give up on everything. Remember that God gives us our gifts and no one ..NO ONE has the power to take it from us by making us give up.


Mi Familia

sisters 2008

I love love love my family! I got to play with them in Seattle....I am so fortunate to have them. My dad taught us the foundation of music and how to play in a band when we were kids. The guitars you hear on my album is of course, my daddy! Check out a clippet of our little jam session...BTW, I have no shoes on...AGAIN! LOL! Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I visited Sylvia's soul food resturant in Harlem, NY because she is what "they" call the "Queen of Soul food" known for her "World famous ribs". Hummm, well, I don't know about all of that. In fact, I don't know about any of that. I ordered the catfish, garlic mashed potatoes, and blackeyed peas. My mom ordered their fried chicken, mac and cheese, and collard green. My grandma ordered "THE RIBS", collard greens, and pickled beets (by the way, yuck!). I tasted all of it.

This is what we had to say about that. My food was pretty good, with the exception of my fish not being seasoned nearly enough. Mom's chicken tasted like it had NO SALT on it whatsoever, and the ribs (yeah you wanna pay attention to this one) were not even barbeQUED. They were baked and the "barbeque sauce" tasted like the mini packaged sweet and sour sauce you would get at your closest asian buffet. Oh yeah, with a hint of hot sauce. NOT MY CUP OF TEA! I would have rather tasted ribs that had actually been GRILLED and BARBEQUE sauce. at $18 a pop...I will probably take my money elsewhere. Maybe to Junior's Cheesecake in Manhattan would get more of my money! Great cheesecake! Anyway, enjoy the photos...they look better than they taste. =)

Thursday, August 19, 2010



I went to Seattle, my former place of residence, and had a blast. Seeing some of my friends brought back some old memories ;) I was able to visit my dad and play onstage with him and my sisters, which is something that I have not been able to do for a couple years. That was so fun!

The first day I performed, it was raining and cold!!! Thank goodness Seattle is used to this type of weather because people were outside in the rain watching all the guest performers do their show. The next day when I performed at the festival, I thought the weather would be the same...so I wore my rainboots. LO and BEHOLD, NO RAIN, all SUNSHINE! So what did I decide to do? Well, since my feet were BURNING UP in those boots, I kicked em off and went on stage barefoot. I think that will be my new fad =) No shoes made me feel so free! (Plus, I didn't look so tall) So if you see me in your town barefoot, you will know what started that.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Bass Girls


I contacted my girls Esperanza Spalding and Tal Wilkenfeld and a few others for a "top secret" project that I was called to work on. Now I will admit, this calls for some REALLY FUNKY players, which is fine by me since funk is my middle name....and even though a few of my gal musicians may be known to the jazz, rock, jam band, and other genres, this will be an excellent way to hear different interpretations on this. This is going to be very cool, when it is all put together. So keep your eyes open for this everyone. And if you are not a subscriber to my newsletter, GET ON IT! (in a nice voice lol!) so I can keep you updated on these things. Some of you might say, well, "How do I sign up, Nik?" Well, to the right of this blog insert your email into the box that says, JOIN NIK'S MAILING LIST.......and......GO!