Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dont Quit

Anytime you feel like giving up on your dream is the best route DONT QUIT

If someone makes you feel like you are not good enough, what do they know? DON'T QUIT

When everything inside of you feels like you are all alone on this journey. DON'T QUIT

If your soulmate leaves you because she/he can't see the vision. DON'T QUIT

When people around you tell you that you can't...remember you CAN. DONT QUIT

If your whole world comes tumbling down. STAND and DON'T QUIT

If you have ever felt like you were going to lose your mind because no one understands you. DONT QUIT

When you have done all you can to help others and they don't lend their hand to you. DONT QUIT

Never put all of your trust in man, only in God and yourself. DON'T QUIT.

Don't fall into the traps of selling out and being what people want you to be and giving all of yourself to others and making them priorities when, in the end, they wouldn't do the same for you and remain ungrateful for what you do. Don't allow ANYONE to get so far into your spirit that you want to give up on everything. Remember that God gives us our gifts and no one ..NO ONE has the power to take it from us by making us give up.



  1. Wow! This just spoke to me. Thanks for this Nik

  2. I come here everyday to see what inspiration you have for me. A true star is someone that can share with their audience things they have been through and how they conquered it!
